AMSL News - Recent highlights!
At AMSL, there is plenty happening all the time! We welcome collaborations from peers within and outside department. The lab engages in collaborative and inter-disciplinary research and we take pride in our students' efforts in advancing material science research. Here's a short highlight of recent achievements:
>> Mohit Agarwal, awarded Raisler Fellowship by the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Rutgers University (April 2024).
>> Luis Rafael Miranda Rodriguez, awarded SMART scholarship from the Department of Defense (April 2024).
>> Mohit Agarwal, helped chartered the NJ SAMPE student chapter at Rutgers University with Dr. Xi Gu from MAE department and officially helped kick-start the Rutgers SAMPE student chapter (Dec 2023).
>> Luis Rafael Miranda Rodriguez, awarded "Outstanding Research Presentation" from the SACNAS 2023 National Diversity in STEM conference in Portland Oregon (Oct 2023).